Thursday, November 12, 2009

Andy warhol...

Wow.... Andy. You are amazing. I totally remember making a flash video on you and banner last year in Santi's class. I had so much fun and so much frustrating making it. Hahahah All those hours of work and no sleep while Andy just puts a camera up and leaves the room... Total opposites huh. Yet, some of my painting look like him work and yet defiantly take more more time in produce one piece then he does making 20 or more. I use brushes he uses silk screens... different techniques same finish. I am currently working with silk screens so it nice to finally learn Andy's painting process and what he might have been thinking while making all those prints. I totally agree with Andy when he says why paint something on a screen when its faster to tape it.... but I prefer the painting process. I enjoy paint. I would not have fun just letting a camera roll... The process is much more exciting. As for his interviews totally hilarious... but hey he got away with it. I would do the same thing. I feel like why should I explain my work...if you like it you like it...There is nothing to really get about my work. the viewer should get what they want from the piece...if its insight full, hate, or beauty then good... I'll let the viewer choose. I  don't know if Andy felt like that but thats how I feel... I just like Andy's silent approach. 

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